Media Release
The Municipality of French River Council and Fire Department is pleased to announce the delivery of two new fire trucks. To the left is the 2022 F-550 4x4 Mini Pumper, the primary response vehicle for any significant fire.
The new mini pumper replaces our old pumper, which had to be taken out of service by the fire department. The old Pumper will be repurposed as a water truck for our Public Works department. The new Mini Pumper can hold 250 Gallons of water with its onboard CAFS (Compressed Air Foam System), which increases the 250 Gallons of water to the equivalent of 1,000 Gallons, resulting in greater suppression in a vehicle that can respond down our narrow, rural back roads.
To the right is our new Freightliner Tanker with a tank capacity of 2,000 gallons. This truck is a new addition to the fleet and will support the whole community of French River in transporting water to the pumper trucks at fire scenes.
Our Fire Departments fleet now consists of the following:
Station 1 (Noëlville) Pumper Tanker Rescue ATV Response Vehicle GMC 2500 | Station 2 (Alban) Mini Pumper Tanker Rescue |