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By-laws and Policies are adopted by Council to establish principles, rules and regulations to guide future actions and govern the municipality’s activities; the administration is responsible for carrying out Council’s policy decisions. Policies are either adopted by Resolution or by By-law, each depending on statutory requirements and the matter it relates to.

The most frequently requested and referenced by-laws and policies are listed below:

To implement an Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) in the Municipality of French River. 

AMPS By-law (2022-32)

To permit the operation of off-road vehicles on any highway within the municipality under the municipality's jurisdiction or on any part or part of such highways.

ATV Off-Road Vehicle By-Law (2015-43) 

 A by-law respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits and inspections.

Building By-law (2018-37)

To establish open-air burning procedures, prescribed times for setting fires, precautions to be taken, and for issuing burning permits.

Burning By-law 2020-26

 To establish rules and regulations for Cemeteries within the Municipality of French River

Cemetery By-Law 2017-42

To provide for the maintenance of land (clean yard by-law) within the municipality of french river.

Clean Yard By-law (2018-55)

 To amend by-law 2006-24 prohibiting the obstruction of any drain or watercourse and permitting and regulating the size and mode of construction of culverts and bridges.

Drainage By-law

To set fees related to charges set out by the Municipal Council of French River

Fees and Related Charges By-law (2021-22)

To regulate the erection and maintenance of fences within the Municipality of French River.

Fence By-Law (2009-45)

To prohibit and regulate noises in the Municipality of French River

Noise Control 2022-23

To regulate fencing around private outdoor swimming pools with the municipality of french river.

Pool Fencing By-law (2001-13)

 To allow for the entry of adjoining property for maintenance purposes.

Power of Entry By-law (2009-12)

 To govern the calling, place and proceedings of meetings for the municipality of french river.

Procedure By-Law (2021-22)

To provide standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property in the municipality.

Property Standards By-law (2022-22)

 To prescribe the form, manner, and times for the notice provision.

Provision of Notice By-law (2007-35)

To regulate, license and control all animals in the Municipality of French River.

Responsible Animal Ownership 2023-45

Every owner of a dog over six (6) months must license the dog. 
  • Every owner making an application for a dog licence shall provide the following information upon registration:
    • The name, postal address, and telephone number of the owner; and,
    • The name, age, sex, and description of each dog to be licensed.
  • Every application for a dog licence shall be accompanied by a fee as per the Municipality’s Fees and Charges By-law.
  • No person shall keep or permit in or about any dwelling unit or premises more than three (3) dogs over the age of 6 months without a valid kennel license.
  • No person shall keep or permit in or about any dwelling unit or premises more than five (5) cats over the age of 6 months.

Any person having control of an animal except horses being actively used in transportation shall immediately remove any feces left by the animal on any property other than the owner’s property, including, but not limited to:
  • on a highway;
  • in a public park;
  • on any public property; or
  • on municipal streets and roads.

To establish minimum and desirable roadway service standards for the municipal road system

Road Services Standards By-law (2002-16)

To approve sewage service rates charged to users of the municipal sewer system.

Sewer User Rates By-law (2017-28)

The Short-Term Rental Licensing By-law adopted on November 15, 2023, can now be implemented.  

Short-Term Rental Licensing By-law 2023-60

The purpose of the licensing program is to balance the economic benefits of short-term rentals, to address community concerns and to ensure the safety of operators, renters and neighbours so that everyone may have an enjoyable experience in French River. 

For more information click here

To regulate and prohibit the placement of signs and other advertising devices in the municipality of french river

Signage By-law (2015-20)

Site Plan Control is a tool that is used to make sure that land development is designed appropriately, safe, functional and minimizes potential impacts on neighboring properties. It also makes sure that the municipal standards for development are followed.

Site Plan Control outlines site design elements such as:

  • Location of buildings;
  • Landscaping;
  • Accessibility;
  • Signage;
  • Noise mitigation;
  • Lighting;
  • Traffic and pedestrian access;
  • Grading and drainage;
  • Parking lot layout.

Site Plan Control By-law 2023-08

To regulate smoking in public places, in workplaces and in all municipal properties including public outdoor spaces in the corporation of the municipality of french river.

Smoke Free By-law (2012-39)

To regulate traffic & parking in the Municipality of French River.

Traffic Parking By-law (2023-37)


Starting July 15th, 2024, if you are using a Travel Trailer on your residential property for more than 14 days in that year, you will require a Travel Trailer Licence. 

The Purpose Of The Travel Trailer License By-Law Is To:

  • Allow for the application of an Annual License (annual fee) of travel trailers on properties zoned Waterfront Residential (up to 1 licensed trailer), Rural (up to 2 licensed trailers) and Residential Rural (up to 2 licensed trailers) 
  • Allow for the application of Special Occasion Licenses (no fee) for the short-term use of travel trailers on properties zoned Waterfront Residential, Rural, Residential Rural, Residential One, Institutional and Open Space for family gatherings, weddings, baseball tournaments, horse shows, fairs, etc.
  • Allow for the short-term use of travel trailers for up to 14 days on properties zoned Waterfront Residential, Rural, Residential Rural and Residential One 
  • Maintain the prohibition of the use of travel trailers on vacant land
  • Protect the environment by ensuring that the appropriate authority obtains proper approvals for sewage and that the regulations in each appropriate zone continue to conform to the current regulations under the Zoning By-law 2014-23 and Licensing By-law Agreement
  • Provide enforcement mechanisms when voluntary compliance is not achieved while attempting to strike a balance between those who oppose the use of travel trailers and those who wish to use travel trailers for short- or long-term licensing

More information can be found here


To ensure proper commercial tree harvest buffers within the Municipality of French River

Tree Harvesting By-law (2005-37)

To provide for the collection, removal and disposal of waste, recyclable material and other waste within the Municipality of French River.

Waste Management 2022-21

Please follow this link for more information on Landfill Site hours and recycling >> Waste Disposal Information 


The purpose of the Zoning By-law is to regulate the use of land and the character, form, height, location and dimensions of buildings and structures. The By-law has been prepared to conform to and implement the policies of the Official Plan for the Sudbury East Planning Area. By regulating land use, buildings and structures, this By-law help ensure compatibility between different land uses and minimize land use conflicts.


As amended, the Zoning By-law has been prepared under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13. The Planning Act specifies what a Zoning By-law can regulate. In general terms, the Zoning By-law may:

  • Regulate the use of land, including outlining the types of uses that are permitted or prohibited;
  • Regulate the type of construction and the height, bulk, size, location, floor area, spacing and the use of buildings and structures;
  • Regulate lot frontages and depths;
  • Regulate the proportion of a lot that may be covered by buildings and structures;
  • Regulate minimum elevations of doors, windows and other openings in buildings and structures;
  • Require that parking and loading facilities be provided and maintained;
  • Prohibit uses, buildings and structures on lands that are considered hazardous; and/or
  • Prohibit uses, buildings and structures on sensitive lands, such as groundwater recharge areas, aquifers, significant habitats, wetlands, woodlands, shorelines, or archaeological resources.

Zoning By-law (2014-23)