Committee Member Vacancy - Apply Now!
- Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC)
The Volunteer Application Form contains the application process and is also available in person at the municipal office.
Interested individuals are asked to complete and submit an application form on or before February 9, 2024 at 2:00 pm.
For more information, contact the Municipal Clerk
Tel.: 705-898-2294
The Committee of Adjustment is an independent body and is composed of all appointed Members of Council under authority granted by the Province of Ontario, it has authority under the Planning Act to grant minor variances from the Zoning By-law.
Minor Variances Applications are administered by the Sudbury East Planning Board.
Minor Variances may be granted provided that, in the opinion of the Committee, the request is minor in nature, is desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land, building or structure and if in the opinion of the Committee, the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law and the Official Plan are maintained.
The Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) acts as an advisory body to Council to recommend on matters associated with generating and sustaining employment, business investment and the overall economic well-being of the Municipality of French River.
The Economic Development Advisory Committee shall aim to foster economic growth, enhancing the quality of life in the Municipality of French River and encourage a strong community to live and work in.
To view current Meeting Minutes, Agendas and live meetings or recordings, please click the Economic Development Metting Portal link.
The Environmental Advisory Committee acts as an advisory body to Council and shall focus on initiatives, activities and special projects on matters pertaining to environmental services and programs.
The Environmental Advisory Committee is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to Council on policy, programs, projects, strategies and service delivery in relation to Environmental Services as referred to it by Council on matters such as:
- Waste management, recycling, waste diversion, wastewater, water quality, environmental protection, maintenance programs and services, facilities and other services provided by the Environmental Department
Please click the Environmental Committee Meeting Portal to view current Meeting Minutes, Agendas and live meetings or recordings.
The Property Standards Appeal Committee (PSAC) is a quasi-judicial body appointed by Council to consider appeals to Orders issued by Property Standard Officers. It is the Committee's role to make an informal and impartial decision; it has the powers under the Ontario Building Code Act to confirm, modify and rescind the order; to demolish or repair structures, and to extend time for complying with the Order.
The Public Works Advisory Committee (PWAC)acts as an advisory body to Council and shall focus on initiatives, activities and special projects on matters pertaining to public works services and programs.
This committee is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to Council on policy, programs, projects and service delivery in relation to the Public Works Department as referred to it by Council on matters such as:
- Road management, traffic control, streetlights, signage, sidewalks, maintenance programs and services, facilities and other services provided by the Public Works Department.
Please click the Public Works Committee Meeting Portal to view current Meeting Minutes, Agendas and live meetings or recordings.
The Recreation and Community Advisory Committee (RCAC) acts as an advisory body to Council and shall focus on initiatives, activities and special projects on matters about art, recreation, parks and culture services and programs.
The Committee’s purpose is to advocate the Municipality of French River as a strong community to live, grow and raise a family. The Committee is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to Council on policy, programs, projects, strategies and services provided by the Parks and Recreation Department concerning the arts, recreation, parks, leisure and culture services.
To view current Meeting Minutes, Agendas and live meetings or recordings, please click the Recreation & Community committee Meeting Portal Link