As of July 6, 2022, the following rules took effect:
- No person shall keep more than three (3) dogs over the age of 6 months without a valid kennel license.
- No person shall keep more than five (5) cats over the age of 6 months.
Current owners and new residents who have more than the allotted animals are allowed to own these animals until they are deceased, or are exempt if these animals were licensed before the passing of this by-law or have been licensed for the past three (3) months after the passing of this by-law (April 6, 2022).
Contact the By-law department for questions related to Responsible Animal Ownership such as:
- pet limit
- noisy pets
- outdoor pets
- roaming pets
- improper pet care
- pet waste concerns
Responsible Animal Ownership By-Law 2023-45
Dog Licensing
You can purchase your dog license(s) at 3 locations within the Municipality:
- Municipal Office
- Alban Public Library
- Noëlville Public Library
Fees are found in the link below under Animal Control Services (Responsible Animal Ownership By-law) Schedule "B"