Applying for Building, Renos and Demolition
Applying for Building, Renovations and Demolition Permits
For a fillable or printable building permit application click here. The form can be dropped off at your municipal office.
To submit your permit application through our e-permitting system click on the following link corresponding to your municipality:
Municipality of French River link
Municipality of Killarney link
Municipality of St.-Charles link
To meet with a building official in person, for inquiries or to schedule an inspection, call 705-507-1177.
Click here for typical plans and for checklists for specific application types.
Contact Information:
Andrea Tarini
Chief Building Official
Municipalities of St.-Charles, French River and Killarney
Sudbury East Building and By-law Services (SEBBS)
T: (705) 507-1177
Click here to send an email